
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
  • This VIP team will focus on accelerating sustainable development in Africa. As the population rapidly increases (more than 2 billion projected by 2050), there are pressing needs in multiple areas. Students are invited to analyze, assess and discuss efforts to achieve sustainable development in Africa, and contribute projects on sustainable development there. Projects may...

  • AccessCORPS will train students (and others) to systematically assess the accessibility of GT course materials, to determine any barriers a student with an impairment or disability or other challenge may face when taking the course. The AccessCORPS team members will then work with the course instructor(s) to reduce access barriers in the materials and other aspects of the course, while also...

  • The team develops apps for online debates and collaborative projects that focus on problem solving and building consensus in conflicts. More specific goals include: ...

  • Advance the fundamental science in the assessment of natural and man-made hazards (e.g. earthquakes, landslides, liquefaction, sea-level rise, hazards in tailing dams, heap leach pads, coal ash facilities) through novel developments in performance-based and risk engineering. ...

  • We are comprised of several teams, made up of both undergraduate and graduate students, all working on different projects to solve global development issues. These solutions include: economic technologies for rural farmers, nutrition and farming engineering, vulnerability analyses, and accessible healthcare technology. We value human-centered design and co-creating with communities to ensure...

  • This VIP class integrates United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 9 and 16. Building resilient Infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable Industrialization, and fostering Innovation are the themes for SDG9. The SDG16 promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development and building inclusive institutions at all levels. This VIP will bring together ideas,...